Let’s go straight into the subject matter. Here are the steps to create a copy of a existing database.
1. Open mysql CLI $ mysql -u root -p 2. List your databases $ show databases; 3. From the output list, copy the name of your database - The one we'll be cloning. exit the CLI (ctrl + C) or type $ exit 4. Create a backup dir $ mkdir -p ~/db_bak/ 4. Export the database mysqldump -u root -p YOUR_DATABASE_NAME > ~/db_bak/your_database_name.sql 5. Open mysql CLI again mysql -u root -p 6. Create your new database $ CREATE DATABASE YOUR_DESIRED_DB_NAME CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; Note: For users mysql 8 users, notice that 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci' is now the new default. 7. Import your data mysqldump -u root -p YOUR_DESTINATION_DATABASE < ~/db_bak/your_database_name.sql All set! Your database is ready! :-)